Sunday Target Practice

Sunday is our day for the range. In spite of the fact that we’re great NFL junkies (yes, both of us), we go off to the range while the early games are still underway (they start at 10AM here on the west coast). We miss the first half, but make it home to clean the guns while watching the second half.

We didn’t bring the shotguns today because we were going to use the session to try and improve our marksmanship with the handguns. We made a little headway on that by trying out some of the grips and tips posted by the gunbloggers that went to Blackwater to train with Todd Jarrett. We both noticed a little improvement, but we have a way to go.

Damsel shoots her Warthog and S&W 686 in the video I spliced together today. At one point while shooting the Warthog, she turns to tell me that the hole pattern on the target looked like a happy face. Remember Mel Gibson’s session at the range in Lethal Weapon? In the other part of the video, it looks like only a couple of the seven .38 special rounds produced a nice plume. Actually, they all did, it’s just that the 30 frame per second rate on my camera sometimes misses the millisecond duration of the plumes.

As always, it was fun.
