The “Winchester House” Immigration Bill

winchester-house.jpgI’m wondering why the President and an uncomfortable number of Republican Senators want to resurrect one of the most ill-conceived and convoluted bills in the history of the U. S. Senate? The overarching complexity of this legislative monstrosity approaches, or perhaps exceeds, the nonsensical Winchester House in it’s absurdities and untenable construction.

Image: Winchester House near San Jose, California.

I advise the Senators and the President to employ the KISS principle – Keep It Simple, Stupid!

Former Majority Leader Tom Delay had this to say about the bill earlier this week:

Break up the immigration bill into smaller pieces, so that it’s actually understandable and each issue included can receive individual debate and consideration. Passing fence building, guest worker, amnesty, and border patrol increase legislation in one lump makes little sense to me. Let’s bring separate immigration bills out in order of importance and decide their fate one by one…starting with border security.

And a final note to the President of the United States who is enjoying a lunch today on Capitol Hill with Republican congressional leaders to discuss the fate of the immigration bill. I would recommend the President order his meal accordingly; border security first followed by a dessert course which includes a guest worker program not amounting to amnesty. Bon appétit!

I’m tired of these few Republicans telling seventy percent of Americans – those of us who believe this is bad lawmaking – to go to hell.
