Weird Search Strings

Often I look at the logs that are recorded when someone accesses our blog. Often I see weird things in the search strings that direct traffic to us. I decided to share some of this weirdness with you.

  1. global warming right wing bloggers
  2. This makes me wonder if all this blog-bloviating (blogviating?) is warming the environment.

  3. belzer cocaine
  4. Is Law and Order’s moonbat Belzer not telling us something?

  5. magnetic moondust
  6. This landed here legitimately since I blogged about magnetic moondust properties

  7. Richard Dreyfuss believes 9-11 was an inside job
  8. Somebody has their Star Whores mixed up – Charlie Sheen thinks that.

  9. Animated Porn
  10. You won’t find any of that here . . .

  11. girls of California beaches
  12. You won’t find any of that here either . . .

  13. zuma beach body washes
  14. Perhaps someone looking for animated beach porn girls in the bath house? Sorry, look elsewhere . . .

  15. Magnetic Beard Toy
  16. I wonder if the searcher was surprised to see a picture of Neil Gabler who looks like such a toy.

  17. solar minimum and the effect on hurricanes
  18. This isn’t silly at all. I’m glad that people searching for this information have an opportunity to get our viewpoint on environmental topics.

  19. whiskey barrel planters los angeles
  20. Damsel blogged about one of her flowers that is planted in a whiskey barrel, but it’s not in Los Angeles.

  21. photos of temperate zone damselfish
  22. This is also legitimate. See Damsel’s Damselfish.

  23. Neal Boortz Optical Illusion Girl
  24. Maybe somebody thought he heard that Neal had a vision about animated porn beach girls in a bath house or something . . .

  25. Madonna the whore of babylon
  26. She’s the whore of a whole lot more than babylon . . .
