Hollywood’s Conservative Film Festival

The 2005 Liberty Film Festival was held this October 21-23, 2005 at the Pacific Design Center in West Hollywood. The Liberty Film Festival showcases films that celebrate the traditional American values of free speech, patriotism, and religious freedom. Visit the Libertas blog for discussion and information.

Damsel and I were recently in Monument Valley, Utah; since we’re big fans of John Wayne and John Ford, we especially enjoyed the article at Libertas entitled The Real John Ford & John Wayne.

Damsel exclaimed “Omigod, it looks fake!” when we got to Monument Valley on our first trip there. Libertas seems to share her view of the seemingly impossible beauty of this wonderful area:

And then there’s this single spot in the valley. This breathtaking spot. And if you take the tour it’s the last one on your stop because it’s the single most beautiful thing you’ll ever see. At the end of a long day, you drive for miles in a bumpy open bus on dusty roads. You’ve already seen natural beauty beyond belief and now you’re tired and hungry and sun burnt and pretty much had enough. But then you arrive at this place where if you’ve seen The Searchers a hundred times you immediately recognize. But in the movie you thought it was a special effect because it seemed too perfect to be real. But now you’re actually here, and it still seems too perfect to be real.

You stand on this spot and look over the entire valley because God laid it out like nothing any man ever could. And you think to yourself: He must’ve spent one of his six days just on this. You can see the monuments and the valleys but can never quite take it all in no matter how long you look; no matter how hard you try. It is unlike anything elsewhere. It is unforgettable. It is impossible to describe. It is the most beautiful thing the Navajo own and it is named after John Ford. “John Ford Point” is what it’s called, and it’s here you’ll meet an even bigger tribute to The Duke than any monument or view.
