Whacko Politics

Death Panel

From The Patriot Post: CBO Finds Out What’s In It

The reduction in CBO’s projections of hours worked represents a decline in the number of full-time-equivalent workers of about 2.0 million in 2017, rising to about 2.5 million in 2024.” The estimate is nearly triple CBO’s original one.

That brings us to Ramirez‘ tongue-in-cheek look at the jobs devastation caused by this POS . . .

Death Panel


A lot of Republicans share the blame for this disaster, but not in proportion to the blame levied by Democrats and the complicit media. Michael Ramirez presents yet another interesting and colorful graphic about the state of the nation . . .


Selective Law Enforcement

Ramirez‘ depiction of AG Eric Holder in the capricious act of picking flower petals to determine whether to enforce the law is somewhat inaccurate. Make no mistake about it – this administration will only enforce the laws necessary to drive America into ruin and Socialism.

Selective Law Enforcement