
Today’s Chore

This is the second time I have had to uncover the water meter and valve in the access box where the water main comes into the house. I am unable to diagnose nor explain why dirt, gravel and sand periodically have filled the access box. I would say some critter is doing it, but I find no evidence of burrowing or nesting. Moreover, I cannot see how a small critter is able to move the relatively heavy metal lid that covers the box.

I got the garden trowel and dug a bucket of dirt and stuff out of the box, just enough to uncover the meter and valve. I replaced the cover and put a large rock on top of it.

I took a before and after picture of the water meter and valve access box which are embedded into the two-frame slideshow above. Click to advance.

Summer Sunset

Summer Sunset

We just took the dogs out for their last evening walk. The sky was very colorful but I did not have my camera. Bob had his little pocket Canon A1400 and managed to get a pretty good shot of this nice summer sunset. Click on the image to enlarge.

Cabela’s Fifth Birthday

Cabela at FiveCabela is officially five years old today. She is a royal blue miniature Pinscher. She was born on August 4, 2008 and weighs fifteen pounds. We adopted her from the Wickenburg Humane Society where she lived for a couple of weeks after being rescued while running around at the rodeo grounds.

Cabela loves to eat, play and sleep. She has been with our household for three years now, and seems to be happy and healthy. Sometimes she gets a little feisty, but that is her way of playing. She loves to chase her squeaky toys when the we throw them for her. She likes to play keep away with her toys. She will run around the coffee table and jump up on the sofa and love seat to keep the toys away from us if we chase her.

We lost our big girl, Bear, several weeks ago, but we still enjoy having Cabela and Beethoven as our household pets. They are both very smart, very demanding and always entertaining companions.

Click on the image to enlarge.

Irrigation Glitch

irrigation.jpgAs if it weren’t already a busy-ass week for us, the landscape irrigation system controller decided to go belly-up on us. I called out the landscape guys who showed up and removed the defective controller. They are supposed to bring back a replacement tomorrow.

Meanwhile, if we want our landscape to be watered, manual irrigation is in order. The guys from the landscape contractor showed me a couple of controls in the box with the electrical valves where I could manually open the water lines to the irrigation system.

I waited until the sun is low in the western sky to start the flow so the sun won’t evaporate the water before it has a chance to sink in. We had the controller set up to water twice a day, once before sunup and once after sundown. I’m just going to run the water for a couple of hours and turn it off for the rest of the evening. I hope the guys show up in the morning and restore things back to normal. Click on the image to enlarge.

My Pretty Little Desert House

My Pretty Little Desert House

Today was another beautiful summer day in our town. A few puffy white clouds floating by, mostly blue skies and warm (but not too warm – 104°). It always makes me so happy to walk up the driveway to my pretty little desert house. We love this place. Click on the image to enlarge.



Another Milestone has passed and Damsel and I are celebrating my birthday. We wanted to continue our tradition of being on the road for this occasion, but circumstances preclude that. As soon as we clear up some personal matters this summer, we hope to be able to hit the road again.

Also. Happy Birthday to Tin Can Assassin.

Monsoon Day


Contrary to forecast for 105° and mostly sunny, the weather has been rain, thunder and lightening and gusty winds since noon today. The rain has been heavy at times and the clouds to the south have all but cut out satellite TV.

The closest lightning strike so far today was about a half mile away according to the time from flash to report. It is after 3PM now and the thunderclaps and rain continue. Looking at the radar on the NWS, it appears to be one big stationary mass of precipitation. “Little” Casandro wash, the road in front of our house is flowing with the runoff from the canyon to the west.

And, of course, the rain flushes out the anthills. I took the Ortho sprayer out a few minutes ago and laid a band across entrances to the patio, house and garage.

In spite of all this, we still love our little desert home.