
One Marine’s View

This Marine is in Iraq. Somewhere close to Fallujah. These are his takes on American Media and CNN in particular. If you think the media are fair and ethical about what they report in Iraq and elsewhere, think again . . .

America if you didn’t believe us in the past, this should do nothing but reinforce how we are saying that the enemy is trying to get to you all at home to go south and demand us to come home before the job is done and that the media is soooo off mark. This just proves we are making huge gains here. Why? Because the real blind sheep, the big time news agencies, bought the trick, line and sinker from the terrorists. They fell for the oldest trick in the book, taking news tips from the enemy and paying them big cash to allow camera men to tag along with them. Yea great idea because a camera might look like an RPG to a Marine far enough away. It’s a clever technique that the US invented. Counter psyops is one way to buy out ‘reliable’ sources to submit stories to the press. This is now proof of how desperate the big time news agencies are for bad gauge on the US campaign in Iraq. They have no news so they pay for whatever may come down the line. Lowering their contacts and standards they knowingly purchase news reports and film events from the enemy.

Be sure to visit One Marine’s View for the complete article.

Thanksgiving Thoughts from a Soldier in Iraq

Putting Thanksgiving in perspective, I present an excerpt from an email I got today from a soldier in Mosul, Iraq.

As I sit here and write this on Thanksgiving, although I have a lot to be thankful for this year, I thought I would share a little with you about what I am thankful for today. I am thankful for my family, they have been there for me, and without their guidance, I would be completely lost. I am thankful for God, that he has seen fit to protect me this last year, that he helps my battalion make it safely back home, that he continues to protect the troops that will still be here, and that he has taken into heaven with open arms, the men and women who have given their lives in this war, who he just couldn’t live without in heaven. I am thankful that I was born in America, and not a country like Iraq. As strange as it may seem, I am thankful that Americans still have the right to voice their opinions about this war (whether I agree with them or not), if America still has the right to voice it’s opinion, that means we’re doing our job over here, and doing it well! Most of all, I am thankful for my fiancé, who has braved one of the most ultimate in hardships this last year, and stuck with me throughout it all. For certain, true love does exist. Finally, I am thankful that there are people back home who understand what we are fighting for, and proud of us.

God Bless!

Sgt. Furman
Mosul, Iraq

And now you know why I’m so proud of these guys; let’s support them any way we can.

Inset photo credit Army Combat Training Centers

Thanksgiving Day

Damsel asked what I am thankful for on this day. Here’s a few things, although the list is certainly bigger than this.

  • As I look at other places in the nation and the world today, I am thankful for the climate in California.
  • I am thankful for technology and the ability to sit here and view pictures from Mars and deep space; to share thoughts, images, music and humor with others.
  • I am thankful to have been given the talent and motivation to succeed in my career.
  • I am thankful for our home and the shelter and comfort we enjoy.
  • I am thankful for jazz, blues, classical, and symphonic music; and to have good taste in my preferences.
  • I am thankful for and proud of our men and women serving in the armed forces, and the protection they provide.
  • I am thankful and proud to be a right-thinking American.
  • I am thankful for and proud of the United States of America and the freedom we enjoy.
  • I am thankful for food, family and football on this day.
  • Most of all, I am thankful for Damsel and the life and love we share together.

Over One Million Served

As of now, there have been over a million hits on the Never Forget animated graphic, since I started counting!

The animation was originally inspired by an anonymously-produced PowerPoint slideshow making the rounds on the internet and via emails after 9/11. I gathered some of the graphics and produced the prototype of the graphic to display on my personal website. After refinements and improvements suggested by Damsel and others, it appears as it does today.

Last August, I made an offer to display the Never Forget Animated Graphic to anyone wishing to display it. This is the graphic seen in the right sidebar depicting the attacks on America by terrorists. The offer was only taken by a few sites at first, but since then, many more have begun displaying the animation. In fact, there are currently about 200 sites showing the graphic, and that number has been growing by about three a day. Sites in the US, Canada, Australia, the UK and Italy (maybe more) have it on their pages.

After appearing on a couple dozen websites, I looked at the bandwidth that it was consuming, and decided to close the offer for new websites since I am limited in bandwidth by my ISP. When I published my intent to close the offer, Wonder Woman from North American Patriot made me an offer I couldn’t refuse: her webmaster would host the graphic on a non-bandwidth-limited server! Of course, I accepted and am still very grateful for their generosity.

Damsel and I believe that the War on Terror is the most important issue before the American People and our Allies. The presence of this graphic on our site indicates our unwillingness to forget what happened and what still needs to be done. It makes us very proud to see our graphic on so many sites (getting 20,000 hits a day) and gives us comfort knowing there are so many like-minded people in the blogosphere willing to display the graphic.

Thanks to all who display it and thanks again to North American Patriot.

You can get the script to display the graphic on your website at the Never Forget page.

Patriot Action Alert

From the Federalist Patriot:

On the heels of the “White House — CIA leak” investigation, which concluded that no laws were broken (but charged one administration staffer with perjury), liberals are attempting to parlay that non-starter into a much bigger political brawl. Their charges have no substance, and are completely contrived to keep Republicans off balance through next year’s midterm elections.

Sens. Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid and Dick Durbin have accused President George Bush of lying about Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction, insisting he “lied us into war.” They are even floating the suggestion that he be impeached.

Here are their accusations:

“The Bush administration misrepresented and distorted the intelligence to justify a war that America should never have fought.” –Ted Kennedy

“We all know the Vice President’s office was the nerve center of an operation designed to sell the war and discredit those who challenged it. … The manipulation of intelligence to sell the war in Iraq…the Vice President is behind that.” –Harry Reid

“I seconded the motion Sen. Harry Reid made last week. Republicans in Congress have refused, despite repeated promises, to investigate the Bush administration’s misuse of pre-war intelligence, so Senate Democrats are standing up and demanding the truth.” — Dick Durbin, who recently compared U.S. troops to the Nazis and Pol Pot.

Naturally, the Democrat’s media lemmings are reporting these charges as de facto truth, but there is considerable evidence that these Demo-gogues and their colleagues believed Iraq had WMD long before President George Bush came to Washington. Here is a small sample of that evidence from the Clinton years:

Bill Clinton: “If Saddam rejects peace, and we have to use force, our purpose is clear: We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction program.”

Madeleine Albright, Clinton Secretary of State: “We must stop Saddam from ever again jeopardizing the stability and the security of his neighbors with weapons of mass destruction.”

Sandy Berger, Clinton National Security Advisor and Classified Document Thief: “[Saddam will] use those weapons of mass destruction again as he has ten times since 1983.”

Harry Reid: “The problem is not nuclear testing; it is nuclear weapons. … The number of Third World countries with nuclear capabilities seems to grow daily. Saddam Hussein’s near success with developing a nuclear weapon should be an eye-opener for us all.”

Dick Durbin: “One of the most compelling threats we in this country face today is the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Threat assessments regularly warn us of the possibility that…Iraq…may acquire or develop nuclear weapons.”

John Kerry: “If you don’t believe…Saddam Hussein is a threat with nuclear weapons, then you shouldn’t vote for me.”

John Edwards: “Serving on the Intelligence Committee and seeing day after day, week after week, briefings on Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction and his plans on using those weapons, he cannot be allowed to have nuclear weapons, it’s just that simple. The whole world changes if Saddam ever has nuclear weapons.”

Nancy Pelosi: “Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology, which is a threat to countries in the region, and he has made a mockery of the weapons-inspection process.”

Sens. Levin, Lieberman, Lautenberg, Dodd, Kerrey, Feinstein, Mikulski, Daschle, Breaux, Johnson, Inouye, Landrieu, Ford and Kerry in a letter to Bill Clinton: “We urge you, after consulting with Congress and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions, including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq’s refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs.”

After President Bush was sworn into office in 2001, his administration was handed eight years worth of intelligence analysis and policy positions from the Clinton years — you know, the years of appeasement when Saddam was tolerated, when opportunities to take out Osama bin Ladin were ignored, as was the presence of an al-Qa’ida terrorist cell in the U.S. — which reared its head on 9/11.

In the weeks prior to the invasion of Iraq, Democrats, who had access to the same intelligence used by the Bush administration (much of which was compiled under the Clinton administration), were clear about the threat of Iraq’s WMD capability.

Ted Kennedy: “We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction.”

John Kerry: “I will be voting to give the president of the U.S. the authority to use force if necessary to disarm Saddam because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security. … Without question we need to disarm Saddam Hussein.”

Hillary Clinton: “In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock. His missile-delivery capability, his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists including al-Qa’ida members. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons.”

Carl Levin: “We begin with a common belief that Saddam Hussein…is building weapons of mass destruction and the means of delivering them.”

Al Gore: “We know that he has stored nuclear supplies, secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country.”

Bob Graham: “We are in possession of what I think to be compelling evidence that Saddam Hussein has and has had for a number of years a developing capacity for the production and storage of weapons of mass destruction.”

For the record: Here’s a partial list of what didn’t make it out of Iraq before the OIF invasion: 1.77 metric tons of enriched uranium, 1,700 gallons of chemical-weapon agents, chemical warheads containing the nerve agent cyclosarin, radioactive materials in powdered form designed for dispersal over population centers, artillery projectiles loaded with binary chemical agents, etc. Assuming Irag had no WMD because only small caches were recovered after Operation Iraqi Freedom began is perilously flawed logic. That, in no way, affirms what he spirited out through Iran and Syria before OIF.

So, ask Ted, Dick and Harry, what is their real agenda?

One might fairly conclude that they are willing to reduce U.S. national security to political fodder by accusing the President of the United States of “lying.” Problem is, the President had no political motive for Operation Iraqi Freedom — only a legitimate desire to fulfill the highest obligation of his office — to defend our liberty against all threats.

Ted, Dick and Harry, on the other hand, have plenty of political motivation for their most recent antics — and all of America should look upon these disgraceful Demo-gogues, and anyone who supports this dangerous folly, as traitorous louts.

On Veterans Day, President Bush noted: “Today our nation pays tribute to our veterans — 25 million vets…. At this hour, a new generation of Americans is defending our flag and our freedom in the first war of this century. This war came to our shores on the morning of September 11, 2001. … We know that they want to strike again and our nation has made a clear choice. We will confront this mortal danger to all humanity. We will not tire or rest until the War on Terror is won. … [I]t is deeply irresponsible to rewrite the history of how that war began. … We will never back down. We will never give in. We will never accept anything less than complete victory.”

“Deeply irresponsible”? He is too kind.