
One Decade Ago

Anchorage Street Fair

Throwback Thursday! Ten years ago over the Independence Day Holiday, Damsel and I flew to Anchorage for an Alaska-by-rail tour. We left LAX, connected through Portland and got to Anchorage mid-afternoon. The day we got there, there was a street fair in town a couple of blocks from the hotel. We hung out there for a while and came back for the buffet at the hotel later.

The next morning we embarked on the first leg of the trip winding up at Denali National Park where we stayed that night. There were plenty of museums, a dog sledding exhibit and other activities to entertain us. On the Fourth of July, they shot off fireworks at nine PM, but they were difficult to see in the sunlight (land of the midnight sun and all that). Our hotel cabin was on the south bank of the Denali River.

The following morning, we waited in the rain while the train pulled into the station at Denali. You can see the rainfall in the photo above. Click on the image to enlarge.

The rain stopped a little way up the tracks and it was clear all the way to Fairbanks. We spent a good evening at the hotel that night, taking a break from the TV entertainment to go outside and truly witness the midnight sun. Wow!

The next day was a flight from Fairbanks to Portland and thence back to LAX where we rescued the truck from the parking lot and headed back home. It’s really hard to realize that was ten years ago.

A Patriotic Bouquet for Flag Day

Patriotic Bouquet

The fourth and final verse of the Star Spangled Banner By Francis Scott Key 1814:

Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war’s desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav’n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Easter Lily

Easter Lily

This Easter lily flower opened up just in time for the holiday. Most of the plants that were available in the store were either far from opening or already open and wilting. I was lucky to find this one that was just about to open and, lucky for us, opened yesterday. Click on the image to enlarge.

We hope everyone had a very good Easter and Passover.

Merry Christmas

Xander First Christmas

Our Granddaughter posted this charming photo of our first great grandson on social media for us to see. It is Alexander David’s first Christmas and we are proud to send this festive image of him along to you as our wish for a joyful Merry Christmas to all.

Thanksgiving Snark

I like the way Ramirez thinks . . .


Regardless of the riots, illegal alien infestation and other things wrong in our country and on the planet, may the Thanksgiving holiday find you all grateful for the good things. Happy Thanksgiving from both of us!