
Tiny Flower


The cactus that produced this tiny half-inch flower last year has three new flowers about to open. Since we may not be here to take pictures of them when the flowers open, I’m posting the one from last year. Click on the image to enlarge.

Gerbera Daisies


I bought three bunches of Gerbera daisies when we went grocery shopping today – yellow, orange and red. They really look nice in the flower vase in the great room. This red one, especially, looks very pretty. Click on the image to enlarge.

Golden Ball Cactus


When I bought this Golden Ball Cactus (Notocactus leninghausii) at the garden shop the other day, the flower buds were all closed. Just a little while after I got it home and on the patio, the flowers opened. Click on the image to enlarge.

Bishops Cap Flowers – A New Record


We bought this Bishops cap barrel cactus over ten years ago in the Phoenix area. It lived with us at the California house for most of that time and had flowers most every summer. Since living here in Arizona, it has had many flowers – more and more often – than in the California patio. Today, eight flowers were open simultaneously – a record for this cactus. Click on the image to enlarge.

Duett Roses


Today was our grocery shopping day. I usually pick out some flowers to take home and today I picked a dozen of these pretty “Duett” roses. They are very showy with their pinkish orange color. The color is similar to that of salmon steaks or flamingo feathers. Click on the image to enlarge.

Devil’s Tongue Cactus Flowers


Yesterday, we went to the post office and the supermarket. While Bob was checking the PO Box, I walked over and took this picture of some cactus flowers on a devil’s tongue cactus behind the bank. Click on the image to enlarge.

Echinopsis – Easter Lily Cactus Flower


On our way out to walk the dogs this morning, I noticed that the echinopsis “Easter Lily” cactus flower was open. I grabbed the camera and got a picture while I could. By late morning, the flower had wilted. There are several more flower buds on the cactus, so I will be alert to get pictures of them as they open.

According to Wikipedia, echinopsis species are native to South America (Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay and Uruguay). They grow only in situations where the soil is sandy or gravelly, or on the sides of hills in the crevices of rocks. Apparently, they are OK in Arizona too, Click on the image to enlarge.