
Democratic Pathological Liars Explained

Ted Kennedy, Babs Boxer, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, The Clintons, Al Franken and many other Democrats’ habitual lying can be biologically explained: their brains are short of gray matter! The article “Liars’ brains make fibbing come naturally” from discloses abnormalities within the brains of liars:

[T]he combination of extra white matter and less gray matter could be giving people exactly the right mix of traits to make them into good liars. These are the first biological differences to be discovered between pathological liars (ed. certain Democrats) and the general population (ed. the rest of us).

[P]athological liars are a distinct group who systematically manipulate others, lie or use aliases for financial gain or personal pleasure (ed. or political gain).

People who know that their fabricated stories may be challenged will sometimes practice telling their false tales. After a while, the made-up story may come to mind more readily than the true one.

Thus, we may now know why lying comes so easily to some Democrats and why they actually believe their own fabrications.