
Second Spring Continues

Second Spring Continues

After a brief cold spell early in November, we thought that second spring in Arizona was through. Thanks to some favorable weather patterns, the mid 70’s days are still with us and forecast to continue into next week. Meanwhile, the bees are still browsing the flowers on the rosemary ground cover behind the RV drive. Click on the image to enlarge.

Rottweiler Vehicle Protection System

Rottweiler Vehicle Protection System

I saw these pretty dogs in the bed of a pickup truck in the parking lot of the supermarket today. They were barking at anyone who would come near their truck. Would-be truck thieves would think twice three times about approaching their truck. 😉 Click on the image to enlarge.

Cool Day on the Desert

Bob and Beethoven

I took a few minutes form our busy Sunday morning schedule to take some pictures on a beautiful desert day. Bob and Beethoven came out into the courtyard to see what I was doing when I took this photo of them watching me. Click on the image to enlarge.

Javelina in the Wash

Javelina in the Wash

We tossed a few remnants of a celery stalk up in the wash this afternoon. Eventually, a few (about eight) javelina followed the scent and browsed around in the wash until the celery was gone. It took about seven or eight minutes until the critters moved on. Click on the image to enlarge.



We have a pair of cardinals that visit Damsel’s bird feeders. I took a couple of images yesterday of the female on the seed block and her mate unsuccessfully trying to hide in a nearby mesquite tree. I merged the two into this image that contrasts the colors of the pair. Click on the image to enlarge (slightly).

Silhouette Dog

Silhouette Dog

We had an amazing day today. The temperatures were in the high 70’s to low 80’s with blue skies and slight breezes. Our second spring is in progress and Beethoven, our little min pin likes to sit in the open window sunning and protecting us from anything outside that he deems to be a danger to the household. Click on the image to enlarge.

Where’s My Airsoft Gun?


These little antelope squirrels raid Damsels bird feeders. I used to take pot shots at them with the airsoft pistol before we had the patio screen enclosure, but now I use an anti-squirrel spray to treat the feeders. It works pretty good, but wears off after a day or two.

More retirement drudgery . . . 😉

Photo credit: Damsel. Click on the image to enlarge.