Retirement Ranch Livestock
Mom’s new home is really a ranch. There are a couple of horses and a llama (maybe an alpaca?) that graze in the pasture that is in the middle of the ranch. This horse was by the fence next to the road as we drove into the ranch to see Mom this morning. Credit Damsel for the photo. Click on the image to enlarge.
The Dog Park
Several times a month, we take the dogs to the Wickenburg Dog Park. Yesterday, I snapped this photo of Bob coaxing Beethoven (a.k.a. BayBay) to use the teeter totter. He is OK with going up the ramp, but when it starts to teeter, he jumps off. One of these days he’ll get it. Cabela looks on because there is a treat in store for somebody. Click on the image to enlarge.
I mentioned that I would publish one of the Javelina pictures in yesterday’s hummingbird post. Here is one javelina of about seven in the herd standing just behind the RV drive. I’m glad that they don’t eat the rosemary ground cover.
The rosemary ground cover is in the foreground with some creosote bushes and cholla cactus behind the critter. A “Christmas cactus” with red berries is on the right. Click on the image to enlarge.
Hummingbird Happy Hour
Last evening, several javelina (collared peccaries) wandered into the back yard, so I grabbed my camera and went out on the RV drive to take some pix of them. Suddenly, a hummingbird came to the feeder just a few feet from where I was standing. It sipped and hovered there for about thirty seconds. I took a bunch of shots of it and this one turned out pretty good. Click on the image to enlarge.
I’ll post photos of the javelina later.