
Coconut Commando — WOW

cocoCurrently enjoying an extended, (extended again) all inclusive vacation package to Iraq, Coconut Commando is our choice this week for our Weblog of the Week.

Hailing from Orlando, Florida, this soldier writes insightful and interesting articles from a unique point-of-view. He blogs about a diverse set of topics, from Washington Politicians to Home Defense. We faithfully visit Coconut Commando and look forward to reading his latest posts. Just today, Commando posted an excellent article called Politicians Just Don’t Get It, where he diagnoses some of the current political nonsense in Washington. Congress could learn a thing or two from this guy.

We’re glad to nominate Coconut Commando as Weblog of the Week. Visit his site and see for yourself. Also, Don’t fail to visit Iraq 101, an educational blog about all things Iraqi, which is an offshoot Weblog also written by Coconut Commando. Good Stuff!

Support the troops!

Tools of the Trade

I get a few questions about the pictures I take and what I use to take them. Obviously, I didn’t use my Canon EOS Digital Rebel to take this shot, but this is the camera I use for most of the photos you see on this blog. Besides what you see in this picture, I also have a zoom lens and a wide-angle lens at my disposal.


Incoherent Ramblings – WOW

snogdotThis week, I would like to nominate Incoherent Ramblings as our Weblog Of the Week (WOW). We enjoy Snog Dot’s humorous articles and anecdotes about the life of a single father raising a couple of lively boys. Our insight tells us that he is a hard-working and caring parent with the right attitude. So, this week we’re happy to choose Incoherent Ramblings for the WOW. We will place a link to Snog Dot’s website under the “Never Forget” banner for the week.

About Snog Dot:

I’m an Air National Guardsman. Have been since 1984. I’ve been in an Air Force uniform off and on since *gasp* 1969. I’ve spent time all over S.E. Asia, S.W. Asia, Central America and Korea. Someday I’d love to see if Europe actually exists.

Blog Idaho – WOW

geezerOur choice this week for Weblog of the Week is Blog Idaho. In his profile, Retired Geezer, the proprietor, says, “The Sportos, the Motorheads, Geeks, Sluts, Bloods, Waistoids, Dweebies, Dickheads – they all adore me. They think I’m a Righteous Dude.”

We’ve been reading this blog for a long time now and enjoy the humor and the interesting, everyday and extraordinary stories about RG and Mrs. Geezer. We are pleased to recognize Blog Idaho as our WOW.

Oh yeah . . . I stole the picture from one of Geezer’s posts.

Task Force Phoenix 5 – WOW

This week, we picked Task Force Phoenix 5 to be our Weblog of the Week (WOW). Todd is currently in Afghanistan but will be heading back to Oklahoma soon. We wanted to get him posted as our WOW before he heads back.

phoenix-5Todd’s website banner says all you need to know about his blog.

This site will focus on the good things we as soldiers and Americans do for other Nations and what it takes to improve the counrty of Afghanistan.. My name is Todd Larkin and Im with the 1-180th Infantry Battalion in Durant, Oklahoma. Our Battalion is on a one year deployment to Afghanistan with Operation Enduring Freedom and I want to show everyone or atleast who ever looks at this website what we do, what the tv and the paper doesn’t show.

We’ll put a link to Task Force Phoenix 5 in the footer of our Never Forget Tribute for the week.

SGT DUB – Weblog of the Week

We have started what we hope to be a weekly recognition of individual weblogs that display our Never Forget Tribute. Since there are so many great weblogs, it’s going to be a challenge to make a selection. The weekly weblog will be featured in a link that appears just below the tribute on each weblog that displays it.

Sgt DubThis week’s choice is SGT DUB. Sgt Dub is an Oklahoma National Guardsman currently serving our country in Afghanistan. He is a Police Officer back in Oklahoma when he’s not on active duty. There, he lives with his family (and a couple of horses) on a five-acre spread. Sgt Dub posted some great pictures of himself and the family in a recent article on his blog. The weblog also features photos of many of the soldiers on duty in Afghanistan.

Photo: Sgt Dub on duty (egregiously stolen from his website)

Wow! Sgt Dub is two of our favorite people — no, not bipolar disorder, but both a soldier and a policeman — defending our constitution and a first responder. Damsel and I are honored to select Sgt Dub as our inaugural Weblog of the Week.