Beltway Kabuki

Second Debate Preparation

Second Debate Preparation

Al Gore scored [the first presidential] debate and blamed Barack Obama’s poor performance on Denver’s altitude. The president didn’t think the altitude would be much of a problem. Back when he was in college he got some of his best test scores while he was high. — Argus Hamilton

Don’t forget to view the “UH” counter video here. Can he break his record?

Hat tip The Patriot Post.

We The People

This is an awesome video . . .

Hat tip to my buddy Frank N. who supplied this video via email:

Thank you Oklahoma

I hope 100 million watch this! Oklahoma State University is located at Stillwater , Oklahoma . This is without a doubt the best video that has come out and apparently 6 Million others think so too because there have been 6 million hits in 4 days. Please watch it and send it on to others. I believe the pendulum has started to swing so let’s keep it going. *This is very well done.*