Beltway Kabuki

Beltway Kabuki

It has been several years since Mark Steyn coined the term “Beltway Kabuki” to describe the liberal shenanigans of Washington politics. When I read the piece Steyn wrote with that term, I decided to add it as a category type for this blog.

Yesterday, Michael Ramirez captured Steyn’s sentiment in this cartoon. Enjoy the cartoon and we wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year in spite of Beltway Kabuki.

Beltway Kabuki

Doomsday Plan for the Fiscal Cliff

Jackass Caucus

I read Mark Alexander‘s Thursday article “The Fiscal Bluff – The Jackass Caucus’s ‘Grecian Formula’ for Economic Collapse.” I wanted to share part of that along with this image which aptly describes our country’s leadership.

Doomsday Plan:

Republicans are considering a “Doomsday Plan” of some sort if talks fail. That’s probably a euphemism for capitulation. Unfortunately, House and Senate Republicans are not led by the large class of “Tea Party” conservatives that arrived in 2010. They are still under the leadership of two men who have clearly contracted chronic cases of Potomac Fever after years of drinking Beltway Kool-Aid — Sen. Mitch McConnell and Speaker John Boehner. There are Republicans in the Senate who have a spine, and Republicans in the House who are sober.

Here is my recommended doomsday plan.

Point the House bill to extend the Bush tax cuts toward Obama’s fiscal bluff, put it in overdrive, set it on cruise control and leave town. The House has attempted in good faith to negotiate with Obama, much as a servant negotiates with his master, and with as much success.

Only Obama can sign legislation into law, or decline to do the same. If he fails to sign the tax extensions for all Americans, he will ultimately be responsible for the consequences. Likewise, he will be responsible for all the cuts mandated by sequestration.

Drop that House bill in Obama’s lap and walk away.

Of course, the only thing you will hear from congress is braying and mooing.

Counties Count

Counties CountYou can see from this image where the problem areas lie. Last night’s debacle was the result of the ideologues, the unions and the entitlement people.

Image – election results by county

In 1980 1nd 2012, the nation held elections where the occupant of the Whitehouse was an incompetent Democrat. The difference is in 1980, the Republicans brought in a dynamic and popular candidate in Ronald Reagan. Mitt Romney doesn’t even come close.

We’re going to keep the following thoughts from The Patriot Post in mind as we face the next term.

Patriots, as the sun rises on this morning after a battle lost, remember that we have lost a battle, not the war. Hold your head high and redouble your courage and resolve. Remain steadfast in your devotion to Liberty and hold the line.

Image found at The War On Guns.

Keep The Change

Keep The Change

As should be painfully obvious, an awful lot of people pulled the lever for Obama in 2008 because they were tired of Republicans; because they were bored by the wars; because they didn’t like McCain or Palin, or both; because Obama seemed optimistic and reasonable; because the financial crisis hit in September; because they didn’t listen to a word the Democratic candidate said but were nonetheless convinced by the vapid ‘hope and change’ stuff and the (always empty) promise to rise above ‘politics’; and, yes, because he was black. … One of Obama’s biggest mistakes — perhaps his biggest mistake — was to conclude that he had a mandate for his brand of progressive change. He did not. The Obama campaign was always, in fact was deliberately, divorced from his politics. A smarter, less egotistical man would have realized as much. Obama did not. … [T]he Left likes to explain away the failure of the last four years with vague charges of ‘Republican obstructionism,’ but this explains neither the continuing liability of the still-unpopular Obamacare nor the real damage to himself that the president did while he enjoyed majorities in both the House and the Senate. Republican ‘obstructionism,’ remember, was only made possible by the 2010 ‘shellacking,’ which was the product of the Democrats’ running riot for two years.

–columnist Charles C. W. Cooke

Via The Patriot Post

Good Snowbird

Good Snowbird

Damsel snapped this photo of one of our “snowbirds” cars in the parking lot today with a hopeful bumper sticker urging the electorate to defeat the POtuS next Tuesday. Please get out the vote! Click on the image to enlarge.