Eric Allie’s take on the classic three monkeys . . .
Via The Patriot Post.
Eric Allie’s take on the classic three monkeys . . .
Via The Patriot Post.
Other than this Rick McKee cartoon depicting one depressing fact about the left, please try to enjoy a happy and blessed Easter Sunday.
It’s too bad that Obamacare can’t be permanently derailed. Firing Sebelius just ensures that another disposable Obama shill will occupy that cabinet post until the make-excuser-in-chief needs another scapegoate to take the blame in the REAL war on women.
Our congressman, Paul Gosar (R-AZ), released this statement regarding Sebelius’ “resignation:”
I join with many of the American people tonight in happily accepting the resignation of Secretary Sebelius. Under her watch, and through her incompetence, our nation’s healthcare system has been harmed, hundreds of millions of dollars were wasted, 5 million people lost their chosen health insurance, and the country was far worse off than it was when she started. She directly supported the “Lie of the Year” by falsely claiming people could keep their insurance and their doctors. Under her watch millions saw their policies cancelled, many saw their rates increase, many have lost their physicians. Her departure is welcomed by Americans everywhere.
Gary Varvel cartoon via The Patriot Post.
I have little confidence in this administration’s ability to manage our Armed Services. Neither Obama nor Hagel have the slightest inkling of how to defend our nation. Michael Ramirez shares my view on that subject:
Click on the image to enlarge (slightly).
From The Patriot Post: CBO Finds Out What’s In It
The reduction in CBO’s projections of hours worked represents a decline in the number of full-time-equivalent workers of about 2.0 million in 2017, rising to about 2.5 million in 2024.” The estimate is nearly triple CBO’s original one.
That brings us to Ramirez‘ tongue-in-cheek look at the jobs devastation caused by this POS . . .