Hurricane Alarmists — Wrong Again!

In spite of predictions of Global Warming alarmists that hurricanes in 2006 would again devastate the Nation, largely due to the Administration’s non-participation in the Kyoto accords, the weather patterns aren’t supporting their theories.

World Climate Report, one of our favorite blogs, published another very interesting article about this. Unlike the alarmists who cherry-pick their talking points without actually doing any serious research, the authors at World Climate Report use actual science and quote their references.

More Stormy Weather Ahead for Hurricane Doomsayers

The work of Bengtsson et al. provide yet another example that the present and future of tropical storms, and the potential human impact on their frequency and intensity, is far, far from being settled in the pages of scientific journals, despite what you may be reading in the pages of your favorite newspaper.


Read about how the Sun is responsible for most of Earth’s climate fluctuations. Also visit our collection of articles on the topic of Global Warming.
