Harman’s Number One Priority

With immigration reform, homeland security and national defense looming as the most vital and important items on the congressional agenda, Rep. Jane Harman (D – CA 36) thinks that the “unprecedented attack” on Roe v. Wade eclipses those issues.

Right: Clueless Jane Harman

Quoting from Harman’s April 19, 2006 email newsletter (emphasis mine):

Today, we face an unprecedented attack on one of our most fundamental freedoms — the right of a woman to make a choice.

With more anti-choice jurists on the federal bench, the foundations of Roe v. Wade are being systematically chipped away. Last month, South Dakota enacted a draconian abortion ban, and as many as 12 other states are contemplating similar laws. Anti-choice activists everywhere are emboldened, believing that the stars are aligned for achieving their ultimate goal: overturning Roe and criminalizing abortion.

Harman’s characterization of pro-life Americans as “anti-choice” is typical of liberal babble speak when describing opposition to the socialist/progressive movement. If anyone is “anti-” everything, it’s Democrats who oppose National Defense and other seriously important issues. Don’t forget that Harman, unlike John Kerry, voted against the 87 billion Iraq defense bill before she voted against the 87 billion (again). Harman is “anti-anything important and vital” and not the other way around. Harman, herself, should take a look at the “stars alignment” and start defending America instead of making abortion rights her top priority.

Fixation on liberal issues by Harman and other Democrats in Congress continues to damage National Security, Immigration Enforcement (we don’t actually need “reform”) and detracts us from completing our all-important War on Terror. These fixations endanger the future security and well-being of all Americans.

Update: Read How Congressman Dana Rohrabacher is worlds different than Harman on Immigration.
