Congratulations to SCOTUS Justice Sam Alito

After most Senate Democrats finished making spectacles of themselves as the party of whiners, screamers and oppose-anything-Bush-does, the Senate confirmed Justice Alito by a 58-42 vote.

Congratulations to the newest member of the Supreme Court of the United States, Justice Samuel Alito.

From AP:

WASHINGTON – Samuel Anthony Alito Jr., the son of an Italian immigrant and a longtime lawyer, prosecutor and judge, won Senate approval Tuesday to become the nation’s 110th Supreme Court justice.

The 58-42 vote was the most partisan for a high court nominee in modern history. Alito is replacing retiring Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.

The 55-year-old U.S. appeals court judge was to be quickly sworn in before his expected appearance at President Bush’s annual State of the Union speech with the White House’s other new Supreme Court judge, Chief Justice John Roberts.

As I predicted before, SCOTUS will now tend toward the right on 5-4 split decisions, rather than to the left. I also am hopeful that Americans will remember Democrats asinine behavior when they go to the polls in November of 2006.
