Mail Call Okinawa Style

Damsel and I are big fans of R. Lee Ermey, “Gunny Ermey” of the History Channel’s Mail Call feature. We see Ermey as a no-nonsense patriot who supports the troops and is justifiably intolerant of moonbats who seek to impose their jackassery on American values.

Ermey has what Damsel describes as the “BEST.JOB.EVER!” We see him riding shotgun in military planes, visiting NORAD, driving amphibious Marine equipment, going to the annual gathering of automatic weapons enthusiasts and firing everything in sight, destroying the “enemy” (watermelons) with every imaginable weapon, and just generally having a good time. In spite of his fun job and his popularity, Ermey gets out among his fans, just like he’s one of the regular folks. Recently, Ermey visited Camp Foster on Okinawa to visit the troops, pose for pictures, and sign books, posters and DVDs.

From Ermey’s Website:

R. Lee Ermey fans in Okinawa were not in short supply. Fans waited in line for up to 3 hours just to get the chance to meet and get an autograph by the Gunny.

His book signing visits included Camp Hansen, Kadena Air Base and Camp Foster (shown left). Fans were able to purchase the “MAIL CALL” book at the signing, the Gunny didn’t stop there though, taking time talking with each person and even posing for photographs. Copies of “MAIL CALL” and FULL METAL JACKET DVDs were also autographed for those bringing them to the signing.

Read the rest of the article at Stars and Stripes Website.

Hat tip to America Supports You for their feature about Gunny on their front page today.

As a closing thought, Damsel and I occasionally watch Full Metal Jacket up until the time Ermey’s character gets killed off in the latrine. As Damsel says “Who wants to watch Matthew Modine for the rest of the picture? Once Gunny’s gone, there ain’t much left.”
