I was looking at the server statistics logs today and the browser type stat aroused my interest. I decided to take the figures and put them into a graphical format.
Even though our blog doesn’t get a very large number of hits, the Never Forget Tribute gets over 1500 hits per hour. When a browser is JavaScript enabled, it gets logged when it hits either the blog or the Tribute. Bottom line to this is I believe that the figures below are derived from a reasonably-sized sample. The figures were accumulated over the first week of 2009.
Clearly, Internet Explorer 6 and 7 have over half of the market. Firefox comes in second with over a quarter of the take. Last year, when I looked at this, there was more usage of IE 6 than 7 and more of Firefox 2 versus 3. That has changed as both Mozilla’s and Microsoft’s latest browsers have matured. Safari shows up better than Netscape and several other types which do not get named on the chart.
We appreciate all of our viewers regardless of their browser type.