At the Birdfeeder Today

black-throated sparrow curve-billed thrasher
cactus wren white-tailed antelope squirrel

I ventured up on the hill behind the RV drive today to replace the bird seed block and bell that Damsel and I like to hang up there to attract the birds and critters. Well, I guess it must be working since today the critters seen above were impatiently waiting for me to finish. I retreated about eight or ten feet away from the post that holds the feeders and took photos of a few of the critters-in-waiting as they approached to gather fallen seeds and to peck on the block and bell.

These four are black-throated sparrow, curve-billed thrasher, cactus wren and white-tailed antelope squirrel. In the past, the squirrels have been known to closely approach while I am still on the hill, but this is the first time any of the birds have shown little apprehension to my presence. Click on any image to enlarge.
