The “Earth Hour” Sham

This Saturday evening, a bunch of GREENBATS® will douse their lights to celebrate their ignorance about the true cause of climate variations. They will make their self-righteous symbolic statements that may actually result in increased CO2 emissions from power facilities, all in the name of Earth Hour.

Investors Business Daily carried an editorial on the silliness of this misguided concept:

Earth Hour: Vain Symbolism, Environmentally Unfriendly

Nonsense: For 60 minutes Saturday night, those living in the shallows of our culture will kill their lights during Earth Hour to increase awareness of climate change. Some will feel self-righteous. Nothing will be achieved.

Earth Hour, organized by the World Wildlife Fund, began in Sydney in 2007. It has since spread to 152 countries, where it plumbs the depths of silliness and modern indulgence.

“It may inspire virtuous feelings,” academic Bjorn Lomborg wrote last week, “but its vain symbolism reveals exactly what is wrong with today’s feel-good environmentalism.”

As is often the case with do-good projects, Earth Hour will actually do harm to its goal.

“During Earth Hour (8:30 local time), any significant drop in electricity demand will entail a reduction in CO2 emissions during the hour, but it will be offset by the surge from firing up coal or gas stations to restore electricity supplies afterward,” Lomborg wrote in Project Syndicate, a website dedicated, it says, to “thought-provoking commentaries.”

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