California Brown Pelican


There aren’t too many things we miss about California, but we do miss our access to the seashore where the California brown pelicans soar along the cliffs. I took this photo of a brown pelican at Point Vicente in Rancho Palos Verdes. It was a sunny day in January of 2010 before we started the move to Arizona.

We miss family and friends, but manage to stay in touch with them. We don’t miss the overcrowded dense-pack of humanity, nor do we miss the sirens, crime rate, graffiti, stupid gun laws, insane politics, etc. Unfortunately, we have to return this month for some business, but we’ll deal with it.

Don’t get me wrong, we love the desert and all the flora and fauna. We used to miss the desert even before we decided to move here.

Click on the image to enlarge.
