Carborexia — AGW Psychotic Disorder

An unwanted (or maybe wanted by Gore, et al) side effect of global climate change hysteria is a new class of over-reacting nutjobs developing psychosis based on the misconception that humankind is actually capable of destroying the planet by burning fossil fuels.

I read this article published on the CO2 Science website about Austrailian scientists diagnosing “Carborexia,” The Debilitating Disease of Climate Alarmism. Excerpt:

Writing in the International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, Searle and Gow (2011) say “there is a growing consensus that increased awareness about climate change is leading to negative emotional reactions in certain individuals (Fritze et al., 2008),” while noting that “expressions of negative psychological states relating to climate change appear in popular commentary, public opinion polls and increasingly in the medical and psychological literature (Searle and Gow, 2009).” And they add that “doctors are reporting that more and more patients, presenting with anxiety and depression, are citing climate change news as something that they are having difficulty coping with” and that “leads to distress and/or interferes with daily living (Fritze et al., 2008).”

The two Australian researchers note that “other climate related pathologies are also emerging,” citing the work of Wolf and Salo (2008), who “described a patient with climate change delusions and visions of apocalyptic events who believed that his personal water consumption could lead to the deaths of millions of people,” while they write of “an increase in climate-related obsessive compulsive checking behaviors such as checking: gas and power meters to monitor their usage; taps for leaking water; and petrol consumption via the car’s odometer reading.” In fact, they report that displays of climate change related obsessive and depressive behaviors has led to the creation of the term “carborexia,” which “refers to individuals who have a fanatical desire to reduce their personal carbon footprint, to the point where it severely affects their lifestyle and normal daily activities.”

Emphasis mine. Read the rest of the article.
