This time of the year, the ocotillo flowers come out at the end of the canes. This variety of ocotillo is fouquieria peninsularis, according to Desert Tropicals and is native to Baja California. Click on the image to enlarge.
May 2011
Return of the Red Bird of Paradise
This is probably my favorite desert shrub. The shrub is called “Red Bird of Paradise” or “The Pride of Barbados.” They are native to Central America, parts of South America and the West Indies. Desert Tropicals, a Phoenix based garden information website, has information on cultivation and care of these pretty shrubs. They recommend planting them six feet apart and after summer in November or so, to cut them almost to the ground to keep them compact. In mid-spring, they will grow quite rapidly to between six and fifteen feet high.
I took this photo today while we were in Glendale, AZ, doing some shopping. Very soon, we will be having our landscape contractor install several of these around our house. Click on the image to enlarge.
The Eagle and the Rat
Obama was more than an Hour Late showing up to make his remarks regarding Bin Laden at the Whitehouse last evening. Trying to sober up enough to read his teleprompter, I guess . . .
Here’s Ramirez’ visualization of the event . . .