Courtyard Progress Report The masons showed up today to start on the wall for our courtyard today. They made excellent progress getting most of the blocks in place up to the point where the back gateway and entry arch will be built. Click on the image to enlarge. Share 29 Jan 2011 by CapnBob Arizona Retirement
Are you going to have the wall stuccoed like the house?
Damsel’s plan is to have the wall match the house, including the Santa Fe accents on the house. Same color and all.
Pretty spiffy. Considering the cost of a block wall (it’s about $100 a running foot here), I doubt if it would add much cost to “finish” it like the house.
And it will look _much_ nicer than just a plain old concrete block wall!
The finished wall cost us about $67 per foot. The gates will be extra. A lot of territorial style homes here have walls and most of them are finished to match the home.
Incidently…Is that someone taking a picture of the photographer taking a picture of the house?
Meanwhile back at the ranch…I’ve always had an interest in the southwest’s architecture and wondered a bit about those post-beams jutting out from the front (in the picture above). I assume they are functional rather than decorative and with that said, “Does the weather have any affect (I know about that dry climate) on the deteriorative life of the beams thus affecting their weight bearing function. Is this a dumb question…let me know.
Thanks, Norm
I don’t profess to be an architect, but I believe that those round beams would have been functional 200 years ago. In our house they are just stubs bolted to the frame for the southwestern look like most territorial Santa Fe style homes that are being built these days.
Back 200 years ago, when houses were built out of real adobe, those were the ends of logs that supported the roof, or so I believe.
Hey, you bought yourself a Stetson!
Nice hats……
Thanks for the feed back about the beams…