Delusions of Grandeur I do not understand how the delusionator-in-chief can possibly believe the country is better under his administration. Ramirez illustrates this concept perfectly . . . Share 28 Dec 2010 by CapnBob Beltway Kabuki Whacko Politics
all y’all just don’t get it do ya? We are thinking with a republican, capitalist, everybody get a chance at a piece of the pie if they work for it brain- the way the Framers invisioned it (with only a little tweaking, like expanding voting rights to all citizens). The Obama-istas are thinking with a ultra-liberal, ubber-Federal, socialist/commumist, everybody gets a piece of the pie whether they work for it or not. You still have the unemployment ’cause the ain’t got all the tax money yet soose he/theycan spread the wealth.