Home Made Pizza

home-made-pizza.jpgWhat you are looking at is Barbecued Pizza – really. I put the pizza stone out on the gas BBQ, close the lid and adjust the flame for 500° or so. Then, after it’s hot, I bring out the pizza that Damsel has loaded up with goodies, slide it onto the stone and close the lid on it for ten or fifteen minutes.

The ingredients are mostly heart-healthy, like the marinated artichoke hearts, olives and sliced tomatoes, but what would a pizza be without mozzarella cheese (low fat, of course) and some meat like the thin Italian pancetta slices we spread over the top. We served ourselves a slice and a half each with a green salad on the side.

Damn good, if I do say so, myself. Click on the image to enlarge. Remember not to drool on the keyboard.
