Attack on Banks and the SOTU

Here’s the results of the last five trading days. Obama attacks Banking and Business in the State of the Union campaign speech and in the days before.

Mr. President, Tear Down This Rhetoric . . .


Reaction from the Blogosphere:

The State of the Union Is No ‘Reset’ Button – Karl Rove

If the criticism of you is that you’re all talk and no action, I’m not sure that a long speech is really going to help, no matter how emphatically you deliver it. – Jim Geraghty

The public thinks Obama doesn’t get it; Obama thinks the public doesn’t get it. – Rich Lowry

Here he goes again with his bank penalization idea!!!!!!!! Every time he opens his yap, my mutual funds take a nosedive! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SHUT UP!!! – Nicki @ The Liberty Zone

2 Words to Describe Obama Speech . . . YOU LIE! – Anthony @ The Liberty Sphere

There was no “pivot to the center,” no serious accounting for the Massachusetts miracle or his misfortunes. Instead, there was an innumerate, inaccurate and distinctly unpresidential whine — blaming George W. Bush for nearly all of his problems (leaving out, among other things, that the Democrats have been controlling Congress and crafting budgets since 2006). – Jonah Goldberg
