Metrics Expose Media Suppression of Climategate

Via Planet Gore:

Climategate is now huge. Way, way bigger than the Mainstream Media (MSM) is admitting it is – as Richard North demonstrates in this fascinating analysis. Using what he calls a Tiger Woods Index (TWI), he compares the amount of interest being shown by internet users (as shown by the number of general web pages on Google) and compares it with the number of news reports recorded. The ratio indicates what people are really interested in, as opposed to what the MSM thinks they ought to be interested in.

North explains:

Tiger Woods delivered 22,500,000 web and 46,025 news pages, giving ratio of 489. That is the “Tiger Woods Index” (TWI) against which I chose to measure a raft of other issues.

Here are the rankings:

  1. Climategate: 28,400,000 – 2,930 = 9693
  2. Afghanistan: 143,000,000 – 154,145 = 928
  3. Obama: 202,000,000 – 252,583 = 800
  4. Tiger Woods: 22,500,000 – 46,025 = 489
  5. Gordon Brown: 12,300,000 – 37,021 = 332
  6. Climate change: 22,200,000 – 68,419 = 324
  7. Sally Bercow: 25,000 – 86 = 290
  8. David Cameron: 545,000 – 4837 = 113
  9. Meredith Kercher: 261,000 – 3,471 = 75
  10. Chilcot Inquiry: 125,000 – 4,350 = 29

In order to more clearly see the extent to which the mainstream media are suppressing one of the most important revelations in history, I plotted North’s results in a pie chart:


The mainstream news suppression of the climate scientist’s lies is an order of magnitude greater than the next topic, Afghanistan. Likewise, they suppress most news and information that conflicts with their far-left agenda and promote meaningless “noise stories,” like the Tiger Woods incident.

The televised and print media are not our friends.

UPDATE: Thanks to Richard North of EUReferendum and Edward Craig of Planet Gore for posting our graphic on their sites.
