Some Thoughts on OJ Simpson

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Most criminal law legal experts say that OJ is going to be behind bars for a long time. Judge Jackie Glass, the judge that sentenced OJ, made it clear that the sentence being passed was for the kidnapping and weapons charges only. The fact that she gave a similar sentence to OJ’s partner in crime, Clarence “CJ” Stewart, more or less backs up the notion that the sentence was, indeed, punishment for these crimes only and not karma for something else OJ may have done.

Thirteen years ago, I stood in disbelief when that lame LA jury set OJ free. My hope for the future of this moron is that the parole board, in addition to his despicable character, takes into consideration OJ’s civil liability in the wrongful death of Nichole Brown and Ron Goldman. Throw away the key, people.

Dennis Miller, a longtime critic of post-murder-trial Simpson had this to say on Bill O’Reilly’s TV show:

“When I see O.J.’s mug shot,” Miller cracked, “he has that Mona Lisa smile – this guy is so nuts, I think he’s happy to be back in the limelight. He literally got away with murder, yet was willing to break into someone’s room to get some trading cards.”

Click on the image of Simpson, above, to hear Miller’s thoughts on OJ.

Simpson’s not smiling now, I bet.

More thoughts on OJ’s stupidity from

What a sad spectacle and yet a lesson that can be learned by others if they take the time to watch and listen.

O.J.Simpson stood in chains and prison garb in front of the sentencing judge in Las Vegas today and pleaded for leniency. His lawyers had just finished admitting that he was stupid but that stupidity isn’t criminality.

The lawyers made the case for him that the items taken or attempted to be taken were his and there was no criminal intent when he and his little group of idiots burst through the doors of a room in a Las Vegas hotel that day in September 2007, The ownership issue is still a question according to a judge.

This should effectively end the O.J.saga in American life unless when he is released while in his late sixties he is still as stupid as he apparently is now.
