On the Nightstand While we’re on vacation, we like to keep some of our favorite reading material on the nightstand and, you know, some things to make us feel at home. Share 05 Aug 2008 by CapnBob Firearms Travel
I believe in the safety of numbers…
A six-shooter.
I like safety in numbers too, Norm. This one is a seven shooter and magnum to boot.
It’s the clock radio, ain’t it? I just knew it! A touch o’home anywhere you go.
I always sleep better with my favorite clock radio at my bedside within easy reach because ya never know when ya gonna need a clock radio…
Sig’s comment gave us both a really good laugh. Once last night when I read it to Damsel and once again this morning when I put my revolver on the nightstand and said, “You can never tell when you’re going to need a clock radio.” [laughter]