Bear, our long-time family pet, doesn’t get to go for a ride very often. Most times she goes to the vet or to the kennel in the truck, but today was different. We had to run a couple of errands after our session at the shooting range and we decided to bring Bear with us. Instead of being taken into the usual dog places, she got to explore, sniff and enjoy herself while CB was in the store shopping.
As she gets a little older, we want to take her to more places when we go. Even if the destination is mundane to us, she seems to think we’re having a great adventure. A while back, we got her a little doggie staircase to make the jump into the truck a little easier for her. She was leery at first, but now gets very excited when I get the staircase out, because that means we’re going somewhere.
That’s a nice story…
I just happened onto this website and was impressed with your Mattel Story and the wide angle shot of Chintle. AZ…Ho’e you do that? Not the wide angle thing but the ability to use the arrow keys to go from one side to the other.
Meanwhile back to the doggie story, I had to show my wife the picture of your dog and we both commented, “That’s a person who loves their dog who builds a staircase for him.”
God bless ya!
Norm & Debbie
ps We have always had dogs but now that we are getting older we have put off
getting another after this
We still have two cats and a horse.
Re: “Ho’e you do that?” Sorry ’bout that; should have used spell check. It was supposed to say “How’d you do that?” . Still misspelled but says it like I speak.
Hi Norm,
Thanks for the kind words.
I read your touching post about your dog. We have had days like that before and, undoubtedly, will have one again. Dogs have always been a part of our lives – we love ours and most every other dog around.
About the panoramic views – I put together an image viewer page that embeds a selected image – most browsers will automatically display the image with scroll bars that allow the viewer to go from one side of the image to the other. Nothing fancy really.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with us.