Where’s Greenpeace and PETA on this?

young-orangutanI read the blogs and listen to the news every day. Most of the time, when I see something that pisses me off, my reaction is that of mild disgust. Last night, however, I passed the level of outrage when I saw an article on Planet Gore that tells of the destruction of one of the more intelligent species of hominids in the name of producing biofuels.

The Indonesians are steadily clearing the rainforest habitat of the orangutan to make way for palm oil plantations at the behest of the European Union’s thirst for biofuels, bio-diesel, in particular. The result is that the apes are being slaughtered and displaced.

Where the hell is PETA? Where the hell is Greenpeace? My guess is they’re too busy scheming about their next assault on the ‘evil’ USA.

Read Iain Murray’s Planet Gore article, “Crucifying Apes on a Cross of Green“, for the outrageous details.
