The Greenbat Mentality

I take a large interest in the visitors to this site. I regularly scan the logs to see where the hits are from, which sites have linked to us, and what search keywords score hits from the search engines. At one point today, if you Googled “sunspots global warming hoax NASA,” you would see us at the top of the page of returned websites. It makes me glad to see that we’re having an impact, even if somewhat minor, on the discussion in the blogosphere.

I also look at some of the referring sites to read some of the discussion there. One forum was in the referral list today, so I went there and looked at the thread. Someone had referenced our article Correlating Sunspots to Global Climate in a discussion about global warming. The person who referenced the article was in a cyber-discussion with some of those folks that have taken the position that warming is indeed an anthropogenic artifact rather than looking at the actual science involved.

After the link to the article was posted, one of the Al Gore fans responded after having looked at our website and the article. Despite the references in the article to peer-reviewed sources and the obvious relationship between sunspot count and global temperature, this individual dismissed the science because it was on a conservative website. He wrote: “Wow, capnbob’s blog… A far right wing website where he goas [sic] on and on with temper tantrums about democrats. I don’t see any scientific proof. [name deleted] are you and capnbob the same person?”

Typical of most liberal thinkers, this misguided individual is blind to the truth merely because the source is from someone who disagrees with their political views. Quoting an old adage, “there are none so blind as those who will not see” applies to this case of Greenbat induced myopia.
