A Rational Voice in the Senate

imhofe.jpgSenator Jim Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) is one of the few rational voices in the Senate when it comes to addressing the global warming issue. The Senator and his staff have established a weblog on the website of the Environmental and Public Works Committee where they don’t pull any punches when it comes to taking on the hype and misstatements by the Congress or the public in general. When Heidi Cullen, host of the Weather Channel’s weekly global warming program “The Climate Code” called for the American Meteorological Society to decertify any TV weatherperson who exhibits undue skepticism about climate warming, the Senator and his staff wasted no time in publishing a rebuke.

Kudos, Senator! We have added the “Senate EPW Blog” to our blogroll.

Kimberley A. Strassel wrote the following in her article in Opinion Journal:

As the former Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, Republican Jim Inhofe was a coruscating critic of climate change alarmism. Now in the minority, he plans to make sure his voice is heard over the din of the media-savvy environmental groups through a new blog. His team even intends to make a bit of Congressional history by conducting the first-ever live Senate blog during the president’s State of the Union Address tonight. Watch out, National Review Online.
