Cellphone Safety Law

We’ve blogged before about “Distracted Drivers” and offered humor in “Top 10 Reasons Why People Use a Wireless While Driving.” Now, Governor Schwarzenegger has signed a law to require the use of hands-free devices except for emergencies. That’s good, but it won’t take effect until next July.

From sacbee.com

Governor launches cell phone law

The law that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed Friday banning motorists in California from holding cell phones while driving does not take effect until July 1, 2008, but the governor is urging drivers to begin complying now.

“You can use a cell phone, but use a headset or use a speaker system and you will be fine,” the governor said during a signing ceremony at a hotel in Oakland.

State Sen. Joe Simitian, D-Palo Alto, predicted Senate Bill 1613 — the law he pushed through the Legislature after four unsuccessful attempts — will save lives by decreasing driving distractions.

Under the law, motorists will be required to use a headset, speaker phone, ear bud or other device that frees up both hands when they talk. Motorists who need to make emergency calls are exempted.

Violators will be fined $20 for the first infraction and $50 for subsequent violations.
