Car Thieves and Illegal Aliens

This is an interesting story. It seems that a local syndicate of thieves in conjunction with Central American criminals have been busy stealing over 200 high-end vehicles.

The key figures in this (literally) are a GM dealership employee and a locksmith accomplice. Gang members would scout out a likely vehicle. They would read the vehicle ID number through the windshield and forward it to the GM guy, who would then look up the VIN on GMs computer and identify the key and codes for that particular vehicle.

Then the illegal alien thieves would be given the keys and remotes so they could drive the vehicle to a cooling off location — that is a place to abandon the vehicle temporarily in case a tracking device would lead police to the vehicle. Those that weren’t “hot” were then fitted with phony VIN tags and sold at liquidation prices.

Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca had this to say about the illegals:

“This is a very big, international auto-theft ring,” [Sheriff Lee] Baca said. “What makes this case unusual is that four of the main suspects have been arrested in the past for this very same crime.

“They are nationals from (Central American) countries. They were deported after their previous crimes occurred and they were convicted … and here they are, back in the United States, back in Southern California, doing the very same thing.”

[read the whole article]

Deported? And they’re back already doing the same thing? This is a clear demonstration of just how lame our border enforcement has been in the past and will continue to be if we don’t get a border security policy that works.
