Some College Students Get It

The College Republican National Committee has a nice web page dedicated to the dissemination of the truth about Global Warming:

Global Warming

Certainly, the environment concerns us all. Unfortunately, many groups use scare tactics and hyperbole to send listeners into a tailspin about global climate change. While the issue of climate change should be investigated and addressed, it shouldn’t be guided by cataclysmic predictions and “what ifs” that bypass reason, the markets, and effectiveness. Temper the global warming hype with some sobering facts.

FACT: While some scientists have warned of a global warming, not all scientists are in agreement as to just what type of threat this poses. Many reputable scientists predict no substantial warming in the future; they predict a raise of merely 1 to 1.5 degrees Celsius over the next century, which is well within the range of human adaptability.

FACT: The Kyoto Protocol will do little to slow carbon dioxide emissions, and has enormous costs. [read more about Kyoto]

FACT: Polar Bears are Drowning. Did you know that ice caps melting is causing extinction for homeless polar bears??? Just kidding, but some people seem to think so. [Are polar bears dying?]
