More Taxifornia

In addition to Meathead‘s initiative, both Democratic gubernatorial candidates, Steve Westly and Phil Angelides, want to raise taxes one way or another on the state’s “highest income earners”. This amounts to more “Robin Hood” politics that is destined to run small business out of the state.

Angelides pushing taxes to aid schools

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Phil Angelides said Tuesday he would pursue ballot initiatives to close tax loopholes and increase taxes on the state’s highest income earners as governor if he cannot persuade the Legislature to approve those changes.

Right: Angelides

In a meeting with The Bee’s Capitol Bureau, Angelides cast education funding as a “moral issue.” He accused Democratic rival and state Controller Steve Westly, as well as Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, of lacking fiscal plans to pay for schools and the state’s budget deficit.


I have an idea – get rid of the incompetent teachers and give the rest of them a well-deserved pay cut! Better yet – start up a voucher program so kids can benefit from competition in education.
