Meathead, and other California Democrats, think that it’s OK to levy additional taxes on hard-working-but-financially-viable Californians. This table gives insight into why raising taxes is a bad idea. In the US Census table below, notice that while California has the largest tax base in the country (and nearly twice that of second-place New York), the tax-per-individual Californian is only in ninth place. It should be obvious that not all 37 million Californians pay the amount shown; the higher-income folks carry a disproportionately large burden, while many in the state (and ALL illegal immigrants) pay no income tax at all. Those of us who earn decent wages suffer the highest tax burden in America.
I am sick-to-death of the freaking “Robin Hood” mentality of stealing wealth from those who earn it and giving it to those who don’t.
stealing wealth from those who earn it and giving it to those who WON”T!
Good point, Damsel. After seeing the massive civil disobedience of high schoolers walking onto freeways, and hanging our flag upside-down beneath a Mexican flag, I fear that the next generation in California will be increasingly entitlement-oriented, thereby loading down the very infrastructure and eventually bankrupting the state. If they can get it for free, they WON’T work for it!