The President Looks Back at 2005

The President discussed events of 2005 in his weekly radio address this morning:

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. 2005 has been a year of strong progress toward a freer, more peaceful world and a more prosperous America. This year we watched the Iraqi people defy the terrorists and suicide bombers and hold three successful elections, voting to choose the only constitutional, democratic government in the Arab world. We also saw the people of Afghanistan elect a democratic parliament in a nation that only a few years ago was ruled by the Taliban.

President Bush reviewed progress in the War on Terror, homeland security, the economy, and recovery from a year of natural disasters. He concluded with the following:

In 2005, America grew in prosperity, advanced the cause of freedom and peace, and enhanced our security. Our duties continue in the new year, and I’m confident that our nation will meet the challenges that lie ahead.

Thank you for listening, and happy New Year.

Read the entire transcript of the President’s Radio Address.
