DOJ Opens NSA Surveillance Leak Probe

It seems to me that the person(s) who leaked information about secret NSA surveillance operations to the media should be charged with treason. Also, The New York Times and big media in general, should be held culpable as well. I believe that in a time of war, the administration has every right, and indeed the responsibility, to conduct this sort of covert surveillance. People who have nothing to hide should have no problem with this concept; only those who seek to protect criminal and enemy operatives seem to have a problem with the surveillance.

Justice Department Opens NSA Spy Leak Probe

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department has opened an investigation into the leak of information to the media about a domestic eavesdropping program run by the National Security Agency, senior Justice Department officials confirmed Friday.

Officials have confirmed to FOX News that the FBI is involved in the investigation, but did not comment on whether other agencies were involved, or when the investigation began. One official has said the referral for the probe came from the NSA.

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