Burn Baby Burn

We remember the 1965 Watts riots here in the Los Angeles area, as well as the 1992 riots after the Simi Valley verdict in the Rodney King case. We know that it doesn’t take much to set off these types of insurrections, and fear that what is happening in Europe could occur here. Not only in Los Angeles, but anywhere the tinderbox of radical unrest can be ignited.

Just how long will it be before radical, borderline miscreants resume burning and killing in the US? Hopefully not ever, providing we resist giving out the kinds of entitlements to immigrants that Europeans (and the French in particular) that attract the worst elements of humanity.

We also believe that the problems in Europe are not totally spontaneous, but the manifestation of the hatred of western peoples by middle easterners as incited by Al Qaeda and their sympathetic radicals.

Map found on Barking Moonbat Early Warning System, who (I think) got it from the New York Post.
