John McCain vs. Judge Wapner

Last evening we saw a TV ad where Senator John McCain (R – AZ) endorsed California Proposition 77, the redistricting initiative.

The Senator, now campaigning in favor of Governor Schwarzenegger‘s ballot initiatives, invokes his “clash of ideas” argument – the same logic he uses to oppose the “nuclear” option in the Senate – to the California redistricting question (Proposition 77).

Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona joined the governor to promote the redistricting measure – and all Schwarzenegger ballot initiatives – at campaign appearances Monday with the governor in Oakland and Burbank.

“Today more people lose their seats in the Politburo in Havana than in the Congress of America,” McCain said. “We need to have competitive races for the Legislature. … We have to have a clash of ideas.”

When Senator McCain appeared on Hannity and Colmes recently to discuss the possible filibuster of Judge Samuel Alito, he used similar remarks in defending his reluctance to use the nuclear option. While we disagree with the Senator on that issue, we are happy that his argument gets him behind the California redistricting issue.

Judge Wapner, who appears in TV ads opposing the redistricting initiative, is seriously outclassed by Senator McCain (as the Rainman may put it, “definitely outclassed, definitely!).

Please read this article regarding Wapner’s TV spot, and the misrepresentation of facts by the retired TV Judge (scroll down to Wapner).
