Microsoft vs. UN Idiots

This is unbelievable. Microsoft Word‘s track changes feature derails a UN cover-up. The inmates of the looney bin known as the United Nations exposed their contempt for truth and used intentional deceit tactics in an attempt to cover Syria’s involvement in the assination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Hariri. When editing a ‘report’ to the Security Council, the editors of the report forgot to click the accept changes option when finalizing the document. Any reader who has the track changes option and display changes option selected would see the strikeouts and revised edits on their screens. Here’s a screenshot of one of the changed areas in the document in question:

Read James Taranto‘s Best of the Web Today in OpinionJournal for the complete documentation and story.

How many of these cover-ups have gone undected? Oil-for-Food maybe? Folks, we need to get the hell out of the UN and stop funding these dangerous anti-American assholes and kick them the hell out of our country.
