A Psychedelic UFO Sighting

This morning, the dogs raced out of the patio into the back yard, barking frantically. Damsel went out to see what the ruckus was about. When Damsel got out there and saw what it was, she raced back in the house to get the camera. She raced back out just in time to get this photo just before the thing disappeared behind the neighbor’s garage:

Psychedelic Blimp

When I got home from work, I Googled “Psychedelic Blimp” and found a link to Soaring Dreams.

Interestingly, the behavior of our dogs with regard to things flying over is inconsistent; they bark at banner tows, blimps and flights of geese or ducks. They do not bark at airplanes or individual birds. Sorta weird – but Damsel points out that if we’re ever attacked by paratroopers or something like that, we have a built-in early warning system.
