Zawahiri: Neener Neener Ya Missed Me

The insanity of terrorists simply amazes me. This guy narrowly misses annihilation and crawls out from under his rock to taunt his enemies. This terrorist scumbag should realize that he has a “hit me here” target right on his forehead.

Zawahiri, in New Videotape, Says He Survived Airstrike

CAIRO, Egypt — Al Qaeda No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahiri said in a videotape aired Monday that President Bush was a “butcher” and a “failure” because of a deadly U.S. airstrike in Pakistan targeting the bin Laden deputy, and he threatened a new attack on the United States.

Al-Zawahiri, shown in the video wearing white robes and a white turban, said a Jan. 13 airstrike in the eastern village of Damadola killed “innocents,” and he said the United States had ignored an offer from Al Qaeda leader Usama bin Laden for a truce.

“Butcher of Washington, you are not only defeated and a liar, but also a failure. You are a curse on your own nation and you have brought and will bring them only catastrophes and tragedies,” he said, referring to Bush. “Bush, do you know where I am? I am among the Muslim masses.”
