Boxer out of the Gate in Race for Impeachment

It seems that Barbara Boxer just can’t wait to bring articles of Impeachment. Read Boxer And John Dean Discuss Impeachment at Boxer Watch. Excerpt:

What’s more laughable, though, is that Boxer would discuss, on a serious level, legal issues with a convicted felon with a vendetta against authority figures, especially those of the Republican side. It strikes me that asking Dean about impeachment is a fool’s errand. Based on her record, I’d say that Sen. Boxer fits the bill for the right type of fool.


And where was Boxer when Bill Clinton‘s folks said that this kind of surveillance is within Presidential purview? Read Byron York on Bill Clinton & No-Warrant Searches on National Review Online.

This is just more of the same hysteria that Boxer engages in whenever she has the opportunity. For example, lying during the confirmation hearings for Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and challenging the Presidential election certification by the congress. Boxer is a loose cannon, somewhat like Howard Dean.
